Saturday, March 29, 2008


On Monday, my 5 year old daughter, O, will be having surgery. She'll be having a pharyngeal flap surgery.

I don't even really know what to write about this except that every time we approach a surgery, it makes me rethink the day she was born and how terribly sad I was that she was born with a birth defect that would consume her life for many years.

Although she knows that she is having surgery, she is blissfully unaware of how much pain she'll probably be in afterwards. She is also unaware that this isn't the last surgery for her.

My wish for her is that she will have a normal life. We all want that for our children. We don't want them to be singled out for any reason, and so, this is why I look at each surgery with hope and dread at the same time. This surgery will hopefully help her speech and that will be great for her. People will be better able to understand her.

This hope is what will get me through the long hours of sitting in the waiting room praying that everything is going perfectly in the operating room.


Anonymous said...

We will be praying for you all day!

Anonymous said...

And I've been thinking about you guys all day. You're probably out of surgery by this time so I hope recovery is going as smoothly as possible.

Anonymous said...

We've been praying for you all. Olivia is a strong little girl who is so brave. I'm hoping for the best results possible. Tell Dr. C we said hi! He is a wonderful man who is blessed with compassion and skills to help our kids!

With love and prayers,